
Energy Attunement

Akashic Records Reading & Galactic Lineage Report

Energy Attunement 
Healing, clearing & upgrade                        

Akashic Records &
Galactic Lineage Report                        

Light Language Transmission   
                 Light Code Drawing                     

Light Language Transmission

Light Code Drawing

Accelerate Your Light Program

Accelerate Your Light Program                        

Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $222




Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $150




This session is a 1:1 channeled energy alignment and healing activated through light language, reiki and other healing modalities. This includes energy attunements and recalibrations, clearings, as well as activations and downloaded messages from your spirit guides that specific to you and is what's most needed to come through at the specific time, for your highest alignment.

Anything that comes through my channel is what is most needed for you at the time of the session and for your highest alignment, however intentions can be set prior to the session (please share in the message box prior to booking your appointment).

Some examples of what can be done in my sessions include (but are not limited to): 

  • anchoring in a higher frequency
  • attunements for healing emotional, physical, mental and etheric energies
  • clearing blocks, attachments and energies holding you back
  • past life clearing, density clearing, timeline clearing, space clearing, chord clearing, akashic record clearing
  • etheric surgery
  • realignment of heart centre, anchoring in frequencies of: abundance, love and clarity -anchoring in higher timelines with a clearing of all things that do not serve you and your path
  • communication with your higher self and spirit guides and messages to help best assist you in your day to day life
  • receive activations, knowledge and psychic gifts from past lives

Whatever is happening in your physical world can be traced back to the energy behind it. Whether you feel stuck in old patterns, feel blocks, are unable to see clearly or simply don’t understand why certain things are happening to you, this can all be addressed through these energy sessions - restoring clarity, bringing peace of mind, re-aligning your energy field and reconnecting you back to your mind, body soul connection all in a safe place. 


1 hour reading and q & a @ $222




Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $150




Diving into your Akashic records for a Q & A and meeting with your spirit team and higher self.

What this session includes:

  • galactic history report
  • past life reading
  • knowledge of your future timeline
  • past history of real ancestor lineage (not implanted ones), past life lessons and what your ancestors' karmic lessons and ancestral trauma are. **Looking to the past can help you incorporate more knowledge into your life, access gifts from lifetimes past and clear any soul ties and ancestral lineage contracts.
  • closing ties to ancestral trauma, releasing all ancestral trauma that is not letting you access your highest timeline, and releasing/letting go of ancestors that are not serving your highest timeline.
  • soul purpose, karmic lessons, karmic relationships and accessing a contract to clear on relationships with your higher self in attendance. Resolving any outstanding karmic ties or trauma bond and to clear windows, doors, portals to past lineage and relationship lines in your aura that are not serving your highest timeline.

*Integration: 1-2 weeks


Access 1 additional karmic lesson to be cleared for $50 - clearing negative entities from your timeline and ascending energies not serving your highest good. Also includes clearing chords and ties, and closing portals in your energy field and space.

Reading will be done live over zoom. This will be a 1hr reading and q & a, with the q & a portion following the reading. You will get a recording of the session that you will be able to access and download that is yours to keep.

About the galactic lineage report:

This will be a report sent to you via email. What this includes:

  • 1 galactic lineage report
  • 1 soul blueprint activation
  • 1 karmic lesson clearing from past life, previous to your earth incarnation
  • 1 clearing from your galactic lineage
  • quantum clearing and upgrading - timeline ascension news, activating your soul mission and clearing Akashic records with your team in spirit. 

Turn around time: Once your session has been booked you will receive an email confirming your apt day/time, as well as information on what to bring to your apt.

Required info: Birthday, year, date, time of birth and place of birth.

**If you don't know your exact time of birth, you will receive your galactic report sent to you after your reading instead of before your reading.


Specific to you and your needs currently
10 mins @ $77




Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $150




This will be a 10 minute late language transmission for you to bring your being back into alignment. This will be a 10 minute late language activation for the following. 

Choose what is most needed here, and then provide more details in the order section 

1. Light language for healing.
This includes: chakra rebalancing, healing and upgrades, nadi system, rebalancing, healing and upgrades, meridian system rebalancing, and upgrades, chakras to look into*, multi dimensional Reiki lotus transmission, multidimensional light code transmission,
multidimensional light language from the following light beings: arcturians, lyrans, & lumerians,  
multidimensional light coding transmission from the following light beings: maji, fae, dragons, elves, leronians

*This is what you will be providing in your description in the order. Please give a detailed description of your symptoms, and what has been coming up for you. For a more in depth healing, please book a 1hr energy attunement.

2. Light language for clearing
This is a 10 minute clearing for a variety of energies including: reptilians, greys, annunaki, poltergeists, alpha draconians, pattern behaviours like loops, circles, robots, clones and other entities such as energy vampires, syphons, lower vibrational frequencies & attachments including curses, hexes, spells, lower vibrational attachments such as barnacles, hooks, seeds, spores, negative tech, AI, clearing of paranormal activity such as ghosts, entities, psyop, cloaks, ruins, talisman, ghouls, gargoyles, witches, warlocks, wizards, clearing of the home space, clearing of the land, clearing of the karmic relationship, clearing of karmic ties, clearing of lower densities such as astral bugs, parasites, worms, cloaks, hooks, parachutes.

This clearing will be a light version of clearing. If you have a particular entity that is bothering you please write that in the description. If you do not know that is okay. Explain details that are happening to you is helpful.

*This will be a multi-level 10 minute clearing. For a full in depth clearing please book a 1 hr energy attunement. 

3. Light language for trauma
This is a 10 minute clearing for 1 past event that has been getting in the way of your day to day life. This includes any traumatic experience that has been keeping you from your highest timeline, such as relationship or family trauma. These codes will help to clear unresolved chords, ties, energies, bounds, bonds, tentacles, entanglements, roots, nets, shells, teeth, sonic nets, astral negative tech, negative picks, ticks, roaches, spies, talons, free mason activity, satanic religious or illuminati workshop.

*This will be a light  clearing. For more in depth clearing please book a 1hr energy attunement.

4. Light language for multi dimensional healing
This is a 10 minute light language transmission for a multiple level healing. This includes light codes for many different types of healing. Clarisonic speaking, chord healing, upgrades to chakras, meridians, nadis, blueprint, soul star chakra activation, crystalline codes, activations, soul divine blueprint & light transmission from the sun, earth, air, water, and healing from the arcturians, lyrans, pleiadians, faeries, dragons, lemurians and rainbow race. 

This is a multi-dimensional healing that can be used to assist disease and illness such as cancer, chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, lime, colon & intestinal issues, organ disease, chronic fatigue, gluten intolerance, polyps, skin ailments such as exzyma & rashes, brain fog, mind chatter and attention span, which will help to attune to higher frequencies.

This is a light multi-dimensional healing. For more in-depth healing please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

5. Light language for astral clearing
This is a 10 minute light language transmission for the following: astral entities, astral parasites, bugs, worms etc, astral trauma, astral space (this includes all lower vibrational spaces in the astral body and astral home space.

6. Light language for removing spirits
This is a 10 minute light language transmission for the following: clearing & removing spirits from the home, clearing & removing spirits from your being, including physical, etheric, emotional, astral, karmic clearing of spirits, karmic ties, karmic ascension groups, karmic spirits from past lives, karmic spirits from this life, karmic ties to all spirits & all energies attached to said spirits.

This will be a 10 minute clearing. If you have a particular energy that is attempting to disrupt your home space or day to day, please write this in the description box.

This will be a clearing for 1 particular type of spirit aka ghosts. This will NOT be a clearing for entities. If you are unsure, please email me prior to booking for clarification. For a more in depth clearing, please book a 1 hr energy attunement and this will be covered in that session.

7. Light language for clearing toxic energy

This is a 10 minute light language transmission for the following: narcissistic entities, narcissistic energies, poltergiests, karmic relationships, negative alien agendas, negative tech, negative timelines, negative et's (see description in 1.), negative hidden agendas, false light energies including: faeries, gnomes, elementals & fallen angels, hidden realms, hidden fallen energies not serving your highest good, reptillian agendas, archon & psyops, carbon based technology, carbon based fallout agendas, carbon based light technology, carbok based coding, carbon based realms & tunnels, carbon based entities & energies not serving your highest good.

This will be a 10 minute clearing. For a more in depth clearing, please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

8. Light language for removing negative tech

This is a light language transmission to clear crux, tokens, spikes, hidden negative ET tech, hidden spokes, hidden cloaks, hidden tech of any kind. Clearing of this requires your birth date, time & place of birth.

This is a light transmission done by the arcturians. They will be doing a very thorough clearing. This recording can be replayed up to 10 times.For a more in depth scope of where the negative tech is coming from and looking to cease any back-end hidden agendas, please book a 1hr energy attunement.

9. Light language for clearing negative entities
This is a 10 minute light language transmission for clearing negative entities (see item 1. for specific names). This will be a clearing to help resolve any ongoing day-to-day disruptions of what is not serving you and your highest good.

*For this it will be specific for 4 entity removals & their attachments. This is a light transmission from the lyrans, pleiadians, lemurians, cherokee, hopi, celestial & rainbow beings.

*For this please include a description of what is happening  to you in your day-to-day and what disruptions are occuring. This includes: poverty, anxiety, relationship issues (ongoing throughout your life), feeling lost or unsure of what to do in your space, work life or relationships.

*Please give a detailed description in your order. This will be a 10 minute light transmission with a focus on one specific aspect of your life. For more in depth clearing, please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

10. Light language for clearing your energy field
This is a light language transmission for clearing your energy field. This includes: energy field clearing from etheric, emotional, astral, physical & multi-dimensional bodies, upgrades to energy field, upgrades to every level of your energy field, security and enhanced protection, clearing energies & entities not serving your highest timeline. Repair holes, tears & leaks, filling these in with a bright white light approved by your higher self. Ascending all energies that are attached to your energy field. This will be a 10 min energy field clearing & upgrade. For more in depth clearing please book a 1 hr energy attunement

11. Light language for upgrading multidimensional blueprint
This is a light language transmission for upgrading & activating your soul star chakra system, merkaba, energy field, astral body, galactic knowledge, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairfragrance, upgrades to self, upgrades to heart chakra, heart expansion, clarity & knowing, intuition & divine blueprint.

This will be an activation for all the above with an integration time of 1-2 weeks.

*For questions about activations, see note at the bottom of the page.

12. Light language for rebalancing 
This is a light language transmission for rebalancing the chakras, meridians, nadis, energy field, multi-dimensional being, layers, astral, galactic &etheric fields. This will be like a little energetic "spring cleaning". For a more in depth rebalancing, please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

13. Light language for specific energies & entities (see notes)
This will be a quick clearing for 1 specific entity/energy. This will include a specific entity removal technique known as psychic surgery.

*This will be done over zoom. This will be a 10 minute call. For more in depth clearings please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

14. Light language for negative psychic attack 
This is a general clearing for psychic attach. This will include anything clearing or syphoning your energy, attachments, lower vibrational entities & energies will be cleared in the void.

*This will be done at a specific time of day that will be scheduled once your order has been booked. This will be done via text or zoom depending on the type of psychic attack. For a more in depth clearing please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

15. Light language for karmic clearing
This will be a light language transmission for clearing 1 karmic lesson, tie or event. For a deeper karmic clearing please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

16. Light language for karmic ties 
This is a light language transmission for karmic tie upgrades & back tie clearing. This is to resolve any past life karmic events that have been getting in the way of your day-to-day life. This will be a light transmission for 1 karmic tie upgrade & back tie clearing. For a more in depth clearing please book a 1 hr energy attunement.

17. Light language for karmic relationships
This will be a light language transmission for 1 karmic relationship clearing & upgrade. This will include clearing of past karmic events from a previous life and for this life. This will be a light clearing. For more in depth clearing pleast book a 1hr energy attunement.

18. Light language for ancestral lineage clearing
This will be a light language transmission for 1 ancestral lineage clearing. This will include family lineage in this life or a past life. For a more in depth clearing, please book a 1 hr akashic record reading & galactic lineage report.

19. Light language for ancestral lineage healing
This will be a light language transmission for 1 ancestral lineage healing. This will include a being from your galactic lineage, including lemurians, pleiadians, lyrans or andromedans. For a more in depth ancestral lineage healing, please book a 1 hr akashic record reading & galactic lineage report.

20. Light language for upgrading your ancestral lineage
This will be a light language transmission for upgrading your ancestral lineage. This will include a light activation for your remembrance of sovereignty and for your galactic history for remembrance of who you are and what you are meant to be doing in this incarnation. 

*This will be an integration of 1-2 months. For a more in depth look into your ancestral lineage, please book a 1 hr akashic records reading & galactic lineage report. 

21. Light language for ____________________ (fill in the description in your order)
This will be a 10 minute light language transmission for something specific, other than the options you see above. Please email any questions beforehand prior to your order if you cannot see something from the above options.

Please allow at least a 1 week  turnaround time. Orders will be received on a Mon-Fri. For any questions, please email

*For activations: This will be a 10 minute activation and upgrade. Expect an integration time of 1-2 weeks, to 1-2 months depending on the particular activation.


1 hr reading $222
Connect with a loved one who has passed on - and attunement for building the relationship with them.

1 hr medium reading



Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $150




This is a 1hr session to connect with loved ones who have passed on. This could be friends, family, pets, guides etc.

Prior to the session, set the intention of who you would like to connect with.

During the session: have a couple photos ready to show of who you would like to connect with.

*Pleae note: sessions are not a guarentee that you will connect with the particular person you wish to see, however more information will be provided about them and why they cannot be present if that is the case. There might be others who are most needed for your highest alignment who come forward as well.

Also included in the session: light language activation to help you connect with your spirit team, guides and those who you are looking to connect with.


3 month Mentorship $2222
(or 3 monthly payments of $741)




Healing, Clearing  & Upgrade
1 hour @ $150




Weekly calls, bi-monthly energetic alignment session, daily messages, aligning rebalancing, upgrading your energetics so you can be aligned in your physical day-to-day life. Flowing with more ease and abundance perfectly attuned to a life that is so in sync with your divine soul mission and what you came here to do.

3 month $2222 CAD                  

6 month $4114 CAD 

9 month $5555 CAD                          

This will be a 3, 6 or 9 month activation to align with your soul's purpose. Bring more light into your being and align to your internal compass, activating your divine rainbow light body, you will be embracing each day with more awareness and looking towards your future goals.

What does this mean?

  • upgrades daily
  • activations weekly
  • clearing bi-weekly
  • cellular repair & knowledge
  • light code transmissions: weekly light language transmissions, weekly light code drawing, arcturian light codes, pleiadian light codes, lyran light codes, lemurian light codes, dragon light codes, andromedan light codes, fae light codes
  • ascensions knowledge, light maps, grid coding, crystaline codes, rainbow codes, maji light codes

What this includes:

  • daily messages - up to 15 mins daily messages. This includes energetic realigning, rebalancing, clearing
  • weekly call - 30 mins. This will be setting goals, healing, clearing, attuning, aligning, rebalancing, upgrading, system clearing
  • bi-monthly energy attunement - 1 hr energy attunement every 2 weeks
  • this will be a complete system upgrade with your being of light. This will be a total of 6,12, or 18 energetic attunements depending on length of mentorship
  • Akashic record reading & galactic lineage report
  • 5 karmic clearing sessions from this life
  • alignment to your highest timeline
  • purpose driven, sense of physical empowerment, knowledge, clarity and keys to implement into your daily life

What this is doing in the energetic space is accessing all knowledge of life in terms of frequency and vibration. This will be a complete transformation to your being in which you know.

The one reading this today.

The one who wishes they could do and have the life of their dreams.

This is the part where you get to scream YES!! I WANT THIS DREAM LIFE!!

Now, how do you get there?

Focus on harmonizing your energetic body of light. This is the light within. This is your source code. This is an abundant light. The light in which you have it all. Everything you want is accessible to you in a way that is helping others live their best most authentic self.

What does that look like?

Uncovering the quantum realm and working within to align you to that dream life full of purpose and a desire to help others succeed in a purposeful and impactful way.

What does this mean?

Abundance! You are an abundant being of light and you are an abundant soul. What is the purpose of this life? What lights you up? What inspires you daily, weekly, monthly? What can you be doing today that will be in full alignment with your soul mission? The one that you came here to see through. What does this look like? These questions will help provide clear goals in this mentorship program. Getting clear on what that looks like.

Welcome to the realm of possibility! The realm in which you have it all!

This is the space for creation. To create is to see that everything here is for you to make just in exact perfection to how you want! Bringing in with you your future self as we build the life of your dreams. The life that aligns with your purpose. Your divine purpose. 

This is where you can be and do many things - but - this is what you want more than anything else - the life that sets your heart a blaze with purpose and passion and love like you have only dreamt of experiencing. This is the purpose for you! The one that gets you out of bed each and every day jumping with excitement. 

That love is creation. This is your purposeful life. A life here that is called an abundant life! That is your birth right - a life to with with complete and utter joy and bliss!

How do you get there? What does that look like? What do you need to do? What do you vision this looking like to you?

The how, the when, the where, the what is the universe's job! All you need to do is let the energetics create the space in which you need to succeed and it will flow in perfect alignment and ease right to you!

This is an abundance life! One in which you have it all! With every step you make, more abundance flows. This is a light that is meant to be shared with the world. More abundance flows here. This is a light that shines so bright it stands above the future realms.

The light that you can see is visible to you now. Trust that the universe is always working in your favour. This is what is meant by flow. Flowing and evolving onto your highest timeline as we ascend you onto a higher timeline each and every day of this program.

This is where the energetic alignment and recalibrating comes into play. What is taking place here is a being of light that is activating your light onto your world, your life in which you know. There is so much light here for you to discover. Trust the process, trust the timing, enjoy the flow, enjoy the present moment, the gift here is you are awakening to a whole new upgraded version of you!

The person finishing this program is not the same one who started it. This is the upgraded version, full of wisdom, knowledge and clarity with a divine will and understanding of what is on the way to them.

Life is a river and you are meant to flow with ease. Enjoy the ride, live every day to the fullest and have an abundant life!


Weekly calls, bi-monthly energetic alignment session, daily messages, aligning rebalancing, upgrading your energetics so you can be aligned in your physical day-to-day life. Flowing with more ease and abundance perfectly attuned to a life that is so in sync with your divine soul mission and what you came here to do.

3 month $2222  *or $741 monthly

6 months $4114. *or $686 monthly

9 months $5555  *or $617.22 monthly

This will be a 3, 6 or 9 month activation to align with your soul's purpose. Bring more light into your being and align to your internal compass, activating your divine rainbow light body, you will be embracing each day with more awareness and looking towards your future goals.

What does this mean?

  • upgrades daily
  • activations weekly
  • clearing bi-weekly
  • cellular repair & knowledge
  • light code transmissions: weekly light language transmissions, weekly light code drawing, arcturian light codes, pleiadian light codes, lyran light codes, lemurian light codes, dragon light codes, andromedan light codes, fae light codes
  • ascensions knowledge, light maps, grid coding, crystaline codes, rainbow codes, maji light codes

What this includes:

  • daily messages - up to 15 mins daily messages. This includes energetic realigning, rebalancing, clearing
  • weekly call - 30 mins. This will be setting goals, healing, clearing, attuning, aligning, rebalancing, upgrading, system clearing
  • bi-monthly energy attunement - 1 hr energy attunement every 2 weeks
  • this will be a complete system upgrade with your being of light. This will be a total of 6,12, or 18 energetic attunements depending on length of mentorship
  • Akashic record reading & galactic lineage report
  • 5 karmic clearing sessions from this life
  • alignment to your highest timeline
  • purpose driven, sense of physical empowerment, knowledge, clarity and keys to implement into your daily life

What this is doing in the energetic space is accessing all knowledge of life in terms of frequency and vibration. This will be a complete transformation to your being in which you know. The one reading this today.
The one who wishes they could do and have the life of their dreams.

This is the part where you get to scream YES!! I want this dream life!!

Now, how do you get there?

Focus on harmonizing your energetic body of light. This is the light within. This is your source code. This is an abundant light. The light in which you have it all. Everything you want is accessible to you in a way that is helping others live their best most authentic self.

What does that look like?

Uncovering the quantum realm and working within to align you to that dream life full of purpose and a desire to help others succeed in a purposeful and impactful way.

What does this mean?

Abundance! You are an abundant being of light and you are an abundant soul. What is the purpose of this life? What lights you up? What inspires you daily, weekly, monthly? What can you be doing today that will be in full alignment with your soul mission? The one that you came here to see through. What does this look like? These questions will help provide clear goals in this mentorship program. Getting clear on what that looks like.

Welcome to the realm of possibility! The realm in which you have it all!

This is the space for creation. To create is to see that everything here is for you to make just in exact perfection to how you want! Bringing in with you your future self as we build the life of your dreams. The life that aligns with your purpose. Your divine purpose. 

This is where you can be and do many things - but - this is what you want more than anything else - the life that sets your heart a blaze with purpose and passion and love like you have only dreamt of experiencing. This is the purpose for you! The one that gets you out of bed each and every day jumping with excitement. 

That love is creation. This is your purposeful life. A life here that is called an abundant life! That is your birth right - a life to with with complete and utter joy and bliss!

How do you get there? What does that look like? What do you need to do? What do you vision this looking like to you?

The how, the when, the where, the what is  the universe's job! All you need to do is let the energetics create the space in which you need to succeed and it will flow in perfect alignment and ease right to you!

This is an abundance life! One in which you have it all! With every step you make, more abundance flows. This is a light that is meant to be shared with the world. More abundance flows here. This is a light that shines so bright it stands above the future realms.

The light that you can see is visible to you now. Trust that the universe is always working in your favour. This is what is meant by flow. Flowing and evolving onto your highest timeline as we ascend you onto a higher timeline each and every day of this program.

This is where the energetic alignment and recalibrating comes into play. What is taking place here is a being of light that is activating your light onto your world, your life in which you know. There is so much light here for you to discover. Trust the process, trust the timing, enjoy the flow, enjoy the present moment, the gift here is you are awakening to a whole new upgraded version of you!

The person finishing this program is not the same one who started it. This is the upgraded version, full of wisdom, knowledge and clarity with a divine will and understanding of what is on the way to them.

Life is a river and you are meant to flow with ease. Enjoy the ride, live every day to the fullest and have an abundant life!

Have Questions or want to pay in monthly installments?


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