Check out my upcoming workshops & programs

Seeing such incredible transformations through the modality of light language, reiki & energy healing is why I do what I do! I am incredibly grateful that I get to get out of bed each and every day sharing this incredible healing modality with the world. I love helping others to align with their highest possible timeline so they can live their best life, full of purpose, abundance and thriving in their day-to-day world.

These workshops & programs are a reflection of this and were created with a light of unconditional love to help you live your best life and to become the best possible version of you in this world. You deserve to live an abundant life on your highest possible timeline.

Explore below! 

Have the freedom + flexibility to work from anywhere!



Crystalline Crystal Workshop 

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This is a 3 hour workshop to learn how to work with crystals & pendulums, whether it be for yourself or with clients in a practice/business. Light code attunements for yourself and your crystals. Can be watched live over zoom or on your own time after the live session. 

Start Date: Nov 16th, 2024 1pm PST, online

November 16th, 2024 @ 1pm PST

3 hrs
November 16th, 2024 @ 1pm PST

3 Hrs


What this includes:
This is a 3 hour workshop to learn how to work with crystals & pendulums, whether it be for yourself or with clients in a practice/business. Light code attunements for yourself and your crystals. Can be watched live over zoom or on your own time after the live session. 

What this includes:
  • FAQs about healing with crystals
  • Timeline updates & upgrades to your multidimensional light body
  • Upgrades to your crystals: this includes upgrades to 5-7 crystals:         
  1. Upgrading technology for your main crystal: recommended - pyrite, clear quartz, rose quartz
  2. Upgrades to pendulum: recommended - crystal pendulum of any variety
  3. Upgrades to gridding crystals: recommended: smoky quartz, moldavite, kyanite, clear quartz, rose quartz, 5 in total, can be the same or variety of crystals 

  • Chakra clearing
  • Grid clearing
  • Understanding the frequencies of crystals and why they are so important to our world
  • What we can learn from crystals
  • How to work with crystals in your day-to-day

This includes:
  • Clearing space - removing densities &. lower frequencies in the home or working space
  • Timeline clearing - anchoring in higher frequencies, removing unwanted energies, blocks, ties etc.
  • Health & physical benefits - what crystals work best for you and how to use them to upgrade and hea
  • What to expect when working with your primary crystal & pendulum
  • How to cleanse and clear your crystals
  • Working with the Angelic Realm & crystals

  • 1 lightcode - valued at $550, this is a lightcode to work with your crystals, home space & any way you wish
  • 1 digital copy of Abundance Acceleration & Rise Above Duality Workshops - valued at $300



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This is a 3-month workshop to explore the world of energy, to connect with your guides, learn more about your gifts, access higher levels of knowing, increased intuition with more ease, flow & joy in your day-to-day world.

Start Date: Oct 22nd, 2024, Online, Group Course

Starting Oct 15th, 2024

Starting October 22nd, 2024



What this includes:
This is a 3-month workshop to explore the world of energy, to connect with your guides, learn more about your gifts, access higher levels of knowing, increased intuition with more ease, flow & joy in your day-to-day world.

What this includes:
  • weekly group calls, frequency updates and integrations
  • bi-monthly group sessions & attunements (every 2 weeks) - this includes upgrade & activation, timeline clearings, timekeeper & gatekeeper activation, cellular & DNA recording, density clearing
  • understanding universal source energy & attuning to this frequency
  • recognizing vibration & healing past karmic events
  • closing timelines & securing past-life karmic events and timelines
  • understanding movement
  • understanding, creation & abundance, and how to attune to the following: manifesting your purpose-driven dream life, creating your purpose-driven dream life
  • weekly messages from your higher self and what is most needed to help you in your day-to-day world to align you to your purpose-driven dream life
  • attunment for level 1 Reiki + 5 additional attunements
  • attunement for activating your light language
  • level 1 Activate Your Light certificate upon completion

Level one manual - this will be a workbook with light codes, and how to place your hands + best practices for starting your healing journey

Integration: 1 - 2 months following completion of Level 1 


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This is a 3-month workshop to continue exploring the world of energy and how to incorporate it in your daily life as a practice or business. Unlocking keys to more abundance, knowledge, intuitive gifts and finding your purpose-driven dream life from within.

Start Date: Nov 7th, 2024, Online, Group Course

*Prerequisite - Activate Your Light Level 1 or Reiki Level 1 or similar frequency

Starting November 7th, 2024



What this includes:
This is a 3-month workshop to continue exploring the world of energy and how to incorporate it in your daily life as a practice or business. Unlocking keys to more abundance, knowledge, intuitive gifts and finding your purpose-driven dream life from within.

What this includes:
  • weekly group calls, frequency updates and integrations
  • bi-monthly group sessions & attunements (every 2 weeks)
  • bi-monthly messages from your higher self (every 2 weeks)
  • monthly coaching call & Q+A
  • community meet-up 1-2 times throughout the program (online)
  • attunement to Reiki + 7 attunements
  • hand placements & learning advanced healing techniques: psychic surgery, density clearing, removing implants, clearing cords, removing & clearing entities
  • best practices for space clearings
  • how to prepare for client sessions, how to create a sacred container
  • how to discern: learning techniques & best practices
  • how to connect safely with your higher self & spirit team
  • how to ascend energies & setting up ascension chambers & mediumship
  • how to speak light language
  • activations for remembrance
  • light code map drawing
  • pleiadian, lyran, lemurian, arcturian, maji, crystal & rainbow light code activations: this will include 5 attunements for energy clearing, activating sacred geometry, codes for activating lightbody, ascension & gridwork, and attunements for your source code blueprint

Level 2 manual - this will be a workbook with light codes, and how to place your hands + best practices for starting/continuing your healing practice

Level 2 Activate Your Light certificate upon completion

Integration: 1-3 months following completion of Level 2 

11/11 Law of one galactic rainbow dragon workshop

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This will be a 2.5 hour workshop for you to learn, attune & align to the Hopi, Law of One, galactic, crystal, rainbow dragon gridlines and to increase your awareness, intuition & knowing.

November 11th, 2024, 11AM EST
Live Over Zoom

11/11 law of one galactic rainbow dragon workshop



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This is an advanced level training for healers, gridmasters, leaders of new earth, ascension guides, teachers or anyone looking to learn more about mediumship, advanced healing techniques & entity extractions, light beings, channeling, activating & attuning clients.

Start Date: April 2nd, 2025, Online, Group Course
*Pre-requisite: Activate Your Light Level 2 or similar frequency 

*Prerequisite - Activate Your Light Level 2  or similar frequency

Starting April 2nd, 2025
*Prerequisite - Activate Your Light Level 2 or similar frequency

4 day

ACTIVATE YOUR LIGHT level 3 // Workshop

What this includes:
This is an advanced level training for healers, gridmasters, shamans, leaders of new earth, ascension guides, teachers or anyone looking to learn more about mediumship, advanced healing techniques & entity extractions, light beings, channeling, activating & attuning clients. This is a 4  day workshop - 15 hours total.

You will receive knowledge, codes & attunements for:
  • multi-level clearing, healing & upgrades
  • clearing & attuning for past life regressions, timeline & gatekeeper security, knowledge of galactic ancestors, karmic clearing, event & timeline obstacles, connection to galactic beings, elementals, ancestral clearing, ancestral galactic karmic clearing, timeline loops & cycles, off grid universal source code rehab for entities. 
  • extraction techniques for clearing ie void & high council of light, spirit team and law of one (advanced training available)
  • solutions & best practices for client sessions that are needing a longer healing and how to continue this work post session
  • ascension team & knowledge
  • angelic realms
  • dimensions & portals
  • upgrading meridians, nadis, chakras, and energy body - multidimensional, etheric, astral, mental, physical, spiritual bodies + so much more
  • parallel lives, particles, cosmic events, astral travel, levels & realms etc that can and cannot be seen. How to clear and work with your guides & travel through dimensions, portals, timelines & assist in upgrades for the collective, planet and so on. 
  • ascension codes, ascension activations, ascension timelines
  • attunements & best practices, client care & manual for hand positions & light code map drawings
  • attunements for level 3: activations for remembrance, higher consciousness, multi-level healing techniques, frequency recoding for your source code blueprint for attuning clients, clearing matrix, upgrading chakras, meridians, nadi system, lightbody healing attunements for rainbow & crystal lightbody, dragon activation for gridmasters, pleiadian lightbody chakra clearing, arcturian healing & clearing codes, timeline clearing & upgrading, and activating advanced grid system for 5d & beyond. 

Level 3 manual - this will be a workbook with light codes, and how to place your hands + best practices for  your healing practice

Level 3 Activate Your Light certificate upon completion

Integration: 2-3 weeks following completion of Level 3 
**to book email hello@kirstielauren.com      


Attune to the Frequency of Abundance :  4  x 1 hr channeled sessions  @  $150 CAD

ABUNDANCE acceleration

This workshop was designed as a 4-week program for activations of abundance. Your source code for light and a remembrance of sovereignty. You will be exploring a world of realization with ahh and delight through the realms of Arcturius and Lumeria where you will be clearing karmic debt, and past life karmic ties. Clearing in the first 2 weeks is a deep discovery back to past events that were holding you back from the abundance realm.

Week 3 you are in a realm of joy and bliss as we raise your frequency to hold the frequency of abundance, your natural state. You are in a frequency of abundance here as we journey through space and design your future self. We are here to activate your remembrance on this journey. Where you are learning to create. Create is a word being used to understand that you can create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

This is an abundant life. Life with the light inside your soul. Your Source Code blueprint. This is the code for your being in your abundant life. We are here to remind you to be a light to all here. A light that exists within is a light to be shared with the world. A love of more abundance follows with your light. We are able to show light in which you’ve never seen. The light of manifesting abundance in a very short time frame. This is creation. Creation is a light. 

Week 4 we journey to the Akashic Records to activate this abundant light into the layers of your being. The path that is certain - the one in which you are exploring in this lifetime. This is an activation for abundance in all forms. A life that is going to be a great light for many. A light so bright it stands a light for the future realms. The light in which you call abundance is a light we call Your Source Code. This is the realm of all. The realm of all is a journey to a whole realm where you are a creator. You are the creator of your realm. The realm in which you live. The realm of infinite abundance.

We welcome you to a love of creation - to play, to explore, to create, and to live a life in a way that you can be the light where you have it all. All is everything you have and everything you would like to have. A light full of unconditional love in the realm of the rainbow light of the whole. You are all here. You are the source code.

**This workshop was done live over zoom each week for the entire 4-week duration. This purchase is for the replay that will be sent via email. If you were unable to make the live, you can be rest assured that watching the replay in your own time is just as impactful and you will have the same energetic experience as if you were watching it live.

Attune to the Frequency of Abundance
4  x 1 hr channeled sessions  @  $150

Kirstie's Light Language Abundance Workshop was the missing piece for me. I've heard professional sports players talk how the game slowed down for them and it got easier and that's what my life felt like. I didn't slow down, I just felt like everything around me slowed down so whatever I was doing just felt easier.

There was abundance occuring everywhere across my life and I had this energy, a lifeforce inside of me that made me feel incredibly powerful. I want more of that! I will be signing up for the next course for sure :)

Highly recommend her Abundance workshop. Each day, I gained new insight, clearing, downloads, and an overall lighter feeling in all domains- heart, mind, body and soul. Kirstie provided guidance throughout the experience and as a novice on this journey, I felt well supported and safe to explore a new frontier (yes, I'm a Trekkie). Truly a positive multilevel experience. I finished weeks ago and feel like I'm operating from a different frequency. I'm genuinely smiling more (even while working short as a Nurse) and I feel a warmth and openness in my heart space. Others have noticed too, from near and dear ones to complete strangers.

- Simi S.
Facebook Review

Truly an amazing Abundance workshop!! Highly recommend it. Especially for skeptics. To those who have not heard light language, it's simply magical. If sparkles had a sound, this is it. Every day new insight is gleaned and shifts are felt both internally and externally. Kirstie creates an uplifting, inclusive and high vibe experience, no matter where you are on your journey. I look forward to more sessions.

- S. O.
Google Review

Wow Kirstie is a joy to work with! I have had a fair few Reiki and 1-1 healing sessions with her over the past 6 months and she has been able to remove and clear some real issues in my life. Since getting healing sessions I have noticed my life become more in flow and more trust is present. I am no longer worried about the future and I am no longer attracting narcissists into my life. I also joined her Abundance healing workshops for four weeks, some things came up for me, but overall I feel lighter and more excited about what's to come, it feels closer. I have been attracting things into my life that I wouldn't have before. My timelines have shifted and Kirstie was a part of that. Thank you! xx

- Charlotte A.
Google Review

Kirstie's workshop is amazing. I really enjoyed the experience and highly recommend to anyone!!

- Ricky A.
Google Review




4  weeks, 4 x 1 hr sessions  @  $150 CAD


To rise above duality is to rise above the constructs of your mind. To raise your vibration to a higher frequency and to enter a new level of clarity, an awareness that will first be felt within as it creates a ripple effect to be felt in the world around you as you hold the frequency of unconditional love.

This is a state of being. A love within to be explored, to expand a level of knowing that lies deep within. This is an understanding and a frequency shift, an attunement to clear a path in front of you to your highest timeline. Expanding your awareness on this 4-week journey through guided light language meditations, we begin by looking at all that does not serve your highest timeline, clearing the path for an abundant road. This is a road above the dualistic nature of your reality, one in which you are not seeing all that is.  All that can be.

Welcome you to a land of possibility, where we unlock the gifts of lifetimes past, the gifts of knowledge, the gifts of learning to see above the clouds. A way of thinking that will be a bright light to help you in your day-to-day. Welcome to a light so bright it creates an understanding of purpose, impact and creation. To see above the clouds is to see a bright light shines always. To rise above duality is to see the light that shines bright within is also a place that lives all around you.

Week 1 - Journey to the realms of Pleades: 
-clearing karmic ties
-past life trauma
-chakra clearing
-energy clearing
-upgrades to system
-working within

Week 2 - Journey to the Akashic records
-clearing the Akashic records
-clearing past events
-clearing timelines
-soul fragment retrieval
-upgrades to your energy body, your etheric body,  your physical body, your mental body, your multi-demensional being
-upgrades to self
-upgrades to nervous system
-rewiring paths that no longer serve your highest timeline
-clearing energetics
-clearing cords
-clearing deep unresolved energetic imprints
-clearing and realigning entire multidimensional self
*week 2 will be a deep clearing, get lots of rest, drink lots of water and eat nourishing foods

Week 3 - Journey to the Abundance Realm
-solar plexus upgrade, chakra upgrade
-navigating timelines, abundance realm, solar flare integration
-upgrades to clairs: 
-connecting with your spirit guides, your higher self and your galactic team

Week 4 - Clarity & Awareness
-activating soul star chakra system, earth star, merkaba, meridians, nadis
-upgrades to entire energetic
-knowledge of understanding and increase awareness that transends above the dualistic nature of day-to-day life.

This is a journey to the realm of unconditional love. A place where you explore the depths of your soul and flourish in the world around you.

What does that look like?

What does that feel like?

Working with integrating that future self here as we welcome that higher vibrational version of you and integrate codes through to your present being. This will be a light language transmission that will be integrated into every level of your being that will continue to evolve to bring through more understanding, awareness and unconditional love into your day-to-day world, shining a bright light on the path that's right in front of you, onto your highest timeline.

Duality is to evolve above the clouds, to evolve to a higher inner knowing, to see, to learn, to feel, to be, to understand that the light shines bright within and the light shines bright all around you.

**This workshop was done live over zoom each week for the entire 4-week duration. This purchase is for the replay that will be sent via email. If you were unable to make the live, you can be rest assured that watching the replay in your own time is just as impactful and you will have the same energetic experience as if you were watching it live.


4  x 1 hr channeled sessions  @  $150


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